
wholesales 1.5ml autosampler vials from China

Feb. 26th, 2021
 There is a requirement for a 2ml screw cap glass vial. Contact us now! In addition, the 2 ml amber screw top bottle is made of 33 inflatable glass and can be heated at high temperatures during transparent glass (1,200 °C) during the manufacturing process. The bottle is made of 51 inflatable glass (heated at 1.00 °C at the time of manufacture).
The 2ml screw cap glass vial is generally broken down into low boron and chromium, but the difference is that the content of boric acid and the physical and chemical properties of the glass are also different. Aijiren offers 2ml clear screw glass vial in borsic acid glass. Low borosate glass is recommended in high throughput laboratories.
When working in the laboratory today, the clear identification of the sample and the traceability of every step of sample preparation until the analysis is complete are the basic requirements of today. The 2ml screw cap glass vial with screw cap and the vial with writing area and ticking are effective solutions because sample information can be read quickly, improving efficiency and workflow security.
The 2ml screw cap glass vial is available in a variety of neck finishes and opening diameters. Large mouths or wide glass vias have mouth openings that are about 40% wider than standard opening vias. The large opening reduces the risk of the autosampler needle bending during sampling.
Aijiren is an experienced supplier of chromatography consumables. The most popular product is a 2ml screw cap glass vial. The 2 ml glass vial is made of borosate glass and can withstand high temperatures and is not easy to react with samples.