
high quality 2ml sample vials for sale

Feb. 26th, 2021
The 2ml sample vials of screw lid 2mL idyrene is made of type 1 borosate glass with a low metal content to prevent sample degradation and leakage. The corresponding 9mm screw cap and seal has a septum made of PTFE silicone rubber or natural red rubber.
They are sold in several sizes, but wide opening 2ml sample vials is more commonly used. The autosumpra needle penetrates the cap during injection and pulls the required sample alicoat out of the vial. Sigma Aldrich is proud to offer numerous viaals for chromatography applications.
The screw top 2ml sample vials made by Aijiren has openings in three sizes: 8mm, 9mm and 10mm. The 8-425 is usually suitable for Shimadzu autosumplers. The opening is not large enough for an automatic needle. The 9mm 2ml Glass Vial is the best-selling 2ml GlassVial in Ajiren because it can accommodate most autosomplers. The 10mm2ml glass vial has the largest caliber.
The 2ml sample vials are usually grouped according to the diameter of the vial, the height of the vial, and the finish of the screw. Clear glass and amber glass are both very inert. Amber glass prevents exposure to UV rays and protects samples with sensitive properties. Viaals are mainly used to inject samples from automatic samplers.
Today, Aijiren has customers all over the world, and Aijiren is becoming a world-renowned supplier of chromatography consumables. Aijiren always firmly believes that improving the quality of its products is the first important factor. Aijiren 