
How to Select the Correct Syringe Filter for Your Sample Preparation?

May. 14th, 2022
A Syringe filter is a membrane-based product useful in the removal of specific impurities, including bacterial contamination from the fluids samples. The syringe filters are generally used for effective and fast filtering, sterilization, and material purification in many laboratories.

Why it is necessary to select the right syringe filter?

All the analytical processes where test sample filtration is compulsory are very critical. Even a small mistake can affect the entire process and ultimately results. Choosing the correct syringe filter enables you to get accurate results and speed up the entire discovery or diagnosis process.
 details of commonly used syringe filter

The selection of the correct Syringe filter in all analytical tests is a pivotal task. There are several factors to consider when choosing a Syringe filters. Some of the key figures are:
1. How to select the Filter Diameter?
Syringe filter diameter depends upon the volume of the sample to be filtered. If the volume of the aqueous sample is Higher, the filter should be with a larger diameter. Syringe filters are available in a variety of diameters including 4mm, 13mm, 17mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, and 33mm. For smaller volume samples (approximately 1 ml), filters with 4mm diameter are used, while for larger volumes (approximately 100 ml), filters with 30mm diameter are used.

Choose Filter Membrane

2. How to select the right membrane Syringe filters?
The following chart will help you quickly choose the proper filter membrane type.
help you quickly choose the proper filter membrane type.

Correct Syringe Filter for Your Sample Preparation

3. Which Pore Sizes to Select? 0.22um or 0.45um?
The most commonly used Syringe filter pore sizes are 0.2/0.22 um and 0.45 um Syringe filters, for research and medical applications.
<1. The pore size to be used is usually determined by the particle size to be eliminated. For example, for the purpose of filtering out particulate >0.2 microns in diameter, then choose a syringe filter with 0.2-micron pore size.
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<2. Another way to determine the micron size of columns is 0.45 um for >3 um, and 0.22 um for <3um.
<3. 0.45 um membranes are typically used for general filtration and particle removal while 0.2/0.22um membranes, or sterilizing-grade membranes, are most commonly used for solution sterilization (bacteria removal).

The most commonly used syringe filter pore sizes are 0.22 um and 0.45 um syringe filters, for research and medical applications.
4. Sterile or non-sterile filters?
If a sterilized aqueous solution is required, then a sterile Syringe filter is preferred. For samples that are going to get filtered again, non-sterile filters can be used.
Aijiren Tech Syringe filters are color-coded based on the filter membrane; therefore, if you keep multiple types of syringe filters in the lab, you can easily tell you have the correct membrane for your method. Chrom Tech syringe filters are a common chromatography consumable to have in the lab for analytical testing. Using syringe filters can protect your HPLC instrumentation from harmful particulates and help you maximize your instruments’ uptime.
Any other knowledge about the Syringe filters is welcomed.