
cheap 2ml hplc vials for sale

Feb. 25th, 2021
The dimensions of the 12x32mm wide opening 2ml hplc vials are standard between manufacturers, but the neck length and vial shoulder width/shape may vary. The outer dimensions of the 12x32mm microbar are the same, but you can taper inside the vial to reduce capacity or insert molten inserts. The 12x32mm high recovery vial has a cone bottom inside.

The aluminum cap has a soft texture and can easily seal vias when used with hand crimpers and decrimpers. The color of the cap is the natural color of aluminum, and the simple and advanced metal texture is very suitable for HPLC analysis and is also highly compatible with autosumplers.
The 2ml hplc vials is universal. Screwing the lid takes a mechanical force that tightens the septum between the edge and the lid of the glass. The screw cap achieves excellent sealing and keeps the septum mechanically in place during drilling. No tools are required for assembly.
The cap of the 2ml hplc vials is made of aluminum material, which is convenient for sealing hand crimpers and disassembling decrympers. The advantage of crimp-top glass vial is that it has strong sealing, allows samples to be stored for a long time and can also contain gas. The downside is that sealing operations become more cumbersome.
Which of the 2ml hplc vials offered by Ayjiren is the most necessary? If you're not sure, tell your sales representative about Ayjiren, the model of hplc machine you're using. We recommend the best 2ml Glass Vial and hope your shopping experience in Aijiren will satisfy you.