
2ml HPLC Sample Vials form Aijiren for Sale

Jun. 15th, 2020
The 2ml HPLC Sample Vials from Aijiren are clear or amber (mainly used to avoid light) and have types of Screw, snaps, and Crimp. Featuring ultra-clean work environment/packaging and specific packaging materials to reduce contamination, it can be applied to various types of GC headspace samplers. 
Integrity, cleanliness and uniformity of the Aijiren 2ml HPLC Sample Vials (HPLC Autosampler Vial) are critical to today's demanding applications. Ajiren offers sample vials of 2ml,4ml, 10ml, 20ml and 40ml and is often used in autosamplers such as HPLC, Agilent GC, Shimadzu and Waters. 
Flat-bottomed 2ml HPLC Sample Vials are suitable for downward movement while the equipment is running. Flat-mouth vials have a large contact area with septum and high sealing properties.The vial is made of clear Class 1 A or Amber Class 1 B Borosilicate Glass. Aijiren 2ml HPLC Sample Vials are manufactured from high-quality raw materials. Excellent heat resistance and corrosion resistance. 
The quality and service of the controlled manufacturing environment earns the trust of our customers. Aijiren 2ml HPLC Sample Vials septums are made of high-quality materials to ensure proper functionality. It is also widely used in the design of multiple injections and long sampling cycles, as well as in gas chromatography and liquid chromatography equipment.
Aijiren offers a full range of chromatography products to suit your specific needs. We cover each step of your workflow, providing everything from vials, caps, and closures— all from trusted suppliers and brands. 