
Notes of headspace autosampler

Jan. 3rd, 2020
20ml GC vial is applied in Static Headspace-Gas chromatography. Static Headspace-Gas chromatography is a technique suitable for determining volatile substances in liquids complex solids or substrates such as blood, coatings and sludge.

20ml GC vial for sale

When using Static Headspace, it is generally necessary to place the sample in the 20ml GC vial and carefully heat it in a controlled water bath until the concentration of the volatile substance in the gas liquid (solid) phase is balanced. The distribution coefficient between the two phases of the compound to be analyzed is shown in the following formula:
    Note: C1 and Cg are the concentration of volatile substances in the liquid and gas phases of equilibrium, respectively. The gas that is removed from the whole volume of the gas phase is injected into the gas chromatography.

20ml GC vial for sale
This article discusses the maximum precision and sensitivity available when selecting the most optimized parameters in the general analysis. The parameters discussed are as follows:
1.Sample preparation
2.Control parameters of the top empty sampler
      a.The stirring shock effect of the sample when the sample is balanced and when balancing
      b.Temperature of the headspace vial and transmission line
20ml GC vial for sale
In the course of the experiment, we must strictly abide by the relevant instrument and equipment operating charter, to avoid the failure of the experiment due to operational errors. If you would like to know more about the application of the headspace vial, please follow us.
