
How much you know about the automatic sample glass vial can still workable at the low temperature?

Nov. 25th, 2019
Most glass vials will remain intact at -4. At room temperature, short-term storage test samples do not require any special precautions and can be stored in glass vials containing organic solvents at temperatures as low as -80. However, a vial cap made of polypropylene in particular must be used. Because these materials become more and more brittle at temperatures below 0. Here are some rules to follow when freezing glass vials:

Storage Vial

When our vials are used  as
storage glass vials, it is important to avoid direct sunlight. It is best to place it on a plastic vial rack while it is stored and thawed.

During thawing of many liquids, especially when the sample contains a large amount of water, it puts considerable pressure on the sealed container and may cause it to burst. Therefore, when a liquid sample is stored at a low temperature, the sample cannot fill the entire container.

At extremely low temperatures,
snap ring sample vials are not recommended. Glass vials used at low temperatures should have a large internal volume and small openings, such as 8-425 screw neck vials, ND8, small opening and 11mm clear crimp vial, ND11. However, operational considerations must be followed by opening the top with a closed cover or bonding diaphragm.When the vial is stored in a low temperature for a long time, it is recommended to seal the vial with compression or screw cap.

Thawed freezing vials

Frozen vials must be treated with extreme care. In general, glass vials crack when exposed to sharp temperature changes (especially amber vials) . So please don't keep cold vials in a warm place and avoid bumping. Placing a vial on a metal object also increases its chances of breakage.

It is important to note that the temperature of the vial will gradually approach the temperature of the external environment. In addition, if the temperature inside the vial is not the same as the temperature outside, it is best not to touch or hit it.

Warm freezing vials

It should allow the vials to warm gradually. To warm glass vials should avoid drastic changes in temperature.It is not recommended to use a water bath, hot water tank, oven or other hot source to warm the glass vials. It is most reasonable to defrost the glass vial slowly through heat conduction at room temperature. Vials whose temperature is below -20 should be put in the refrigerator from -4 to 0 first, which reduces the risk of damage.

Factors Affecting Glass Vial Performance at Low Temperatures

Several factors come into play when assessing the performance of glass vials at low temperatures:

Glass Type

The type of glass used in vial manufacturing plays a significant role. Borosilicate glass, known for its excellent thermal and chemical resistance, is a popular choice for applications involving low temperatures. It can withstand extreme cold without cracking or shattering.

Vial Design

The design of the vial, including its thickness and shape, influences its performance at low temperatures. Vials with thicker walls and robust construction are more likely to withstand freezing conditions.

PTFE/ silicone rubber spacer

They are used to block the temperature below -40. When the temperature drops to -80, the PTFE/ silicone rubber spacer still maintains a good sealing performance, but it is important not to tighten the vial cap too tightly. The vial cap should be tightened without obvious deformation of the spacer. Please note that the temperature range of PTFE/ silicone rubber spacers we release is above -40℃.This range is the temperature at which water solidifies without breaking the bottle.

Quality Assurance

Vial manufacturers often subject their products to rigorous quality control tests, including temperature cycling tests, to ensure their suitability for low-temperature applications. Choosing vials from reputable manufacturers can provide assurance of their performance.

If there you want to know more about automatic sample glass vial,please contact with us.For manfacturering of we are professional !

Curious about the reliability of glass vials at low temperatures? Dive into this informative article for comprehensive insights:50 Most Frequently Asked Questions on HPLC Vials
